How sustainable is plywood?
by Lisa Stolz
A critical view
What does “sustainable” mean?
The UN report “Our Common Future” introduced the term “sustainable development” in 1987 and stated that “humanity has the capacity to make development sustainable, so as to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland Commission).
In their book “Plywood, a material story”, Wilk and Bisley point to the very large number of national (or in the case of the EU, multinational) industry standards or product standards and government regulations that address plywood sustainability issues worldwide. These may relate to:
- Procurement of materials,
- Use and safety of materials,
- Production method,
- Recyclability of materials,
- Storage and review of records,
- Inspection and testing regime,
- Product emissions and
- Labeling and safety. (2017, p. 190)
In addition, certification systems for wood have been established since the mid-1990s. Two of the best known organizations are the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), both of which “set the standards for responsibly managed forests, both ecologically and socially” (Forest Stewardship Council, 2018). However, FSC certified products have to be looked at critically, as the badge has become a marketing mechanism for timber industry and is lacking an independent control organism.
Which plywood origins can be considered sustainable?
After World War II, the center of plywood production shifted from the United States to Asian countries. Although the plywood industry there contributes to a catastrophic increase in deforestation and the loss of rainforests, there are also countries with exemplary national forestry. "Among these countries is Finland, with 73% forest area, where yields are lower than in larger, intensively forested countries. Finnish producers focus on higher quality plywood for competitive reasons," explain Wilk and Bisley (2017, pp. 187-190).
When consulting Koskisen Oy, a leading Finnish plywood manufacturer, on the environmental and health performance of their plywood, they not only explained that their products are fully recyclable, but also that their thin plywood products are even edible as they meet the European “Toy Safety Standard”.
Are the adhesives used in plywood safe?
A questionable component of plywood in terms of health is the commonly used urea-formaldehyde (UF) adhesives.
These adhesives were invented and first used in Germany in the 1930s. They were much cheaper than other synthetic adhesives and did not require heating during lamination. Despite technical and economic advantages, UF adhesives had a number of negative environmental impacts, particularly in the emission of formaldehyde gases (Wilk and Bisley, 2017, p. 184).
Research and studies created political awareness, leading to the development of ‘low and ultra-low emission’ formulations since 1980. Furthermore, the World Health Organization officially declared formaldehyde a carcinogen in 2004 (WHO | Physical activity, 2017), which led to the introduction of emission classes through the European standard EN 13986 (Schwab, Marutzky and Meyer, 2012, p. 17).
Although plywood cannot be considered 100% safe, the UK Health and Safety Executive states: "The levels of free formaldehyde in boards manufactured within the EU at Class E1 level are considered insignificant. This is because at these levels the resin is fully reacted."
German researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research predict: “In the coming years, conventional adhesives with reduced or no formaldehyde emissions will maintain their dominant position. [...] The importance of alternative resins will increase” (Schwab, Marutzky and Meyer, 2012, p. 36).
Wood is a durable, UV and water resistant material. Although it will show signs of aging such as scratches, color changes, etc., it still ages beautifully.
In the book “Wonderwood”, designer Elisa Strozyk emphasizes: “Today, a new product goes downhill as soon as you remove the packaging from its perfect surface. It gets scratched, chipped, etc. But wood does not lose its beauty. It does not lose value. In fact, it becomes more valuable over time” (Glasner and Ott, 2013, p. 235).
The naturally occurring patina is valued by designers and users as it adds character to the piece and tells a story. Therefore, wooden objects are generally valued as durable pieces that last for generations.
Wilk, C. and Bisley, E. (2017) Plywood: a material story. [London]: London: Thames and Hudson; London Eye.
Schwab, H., Marutzky, R. and Meyer, B. (2012) 'European Regulations for Formaldehyde'. Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut Braunschweig / Germany.
Glasner, B. and Ott, S. (2013) Wonder wood: a favorite material for design, architecture and art. Basel: Birkhäuser.